Saturday, November 1, 2008

Out of the blogging world...

I have been out of the blogging world for quite sometime!! My family has been sick for the past two weeks, just passing colds, coughs, fevers to each other. No Fun!!

Well, today I had it all planned. We were going to launch our new site (new name and all) and do a giveaway. But, because of my sickness, that has kinda set me back! I am really excited about the new site, that I am just going to post about it anyways and the giveaway will be on Monday...with new things in the shop as well! Awesome new things in the shop!!


Crafting in Laymon's Terms

Go check it out! So from now on...all of our posts, crafting ideas, tutorials, and everything else will be posted on the new site. Hope you like it :)